I pray that this will prick your heart as it did mine.
Spiritual Leaders of Our Homes - A Choice:
Everyday we face decisions. What to wear and what to eat, who we serve - our flesh, others, the world, but for most part we do not conscientiously make the most important decision. We don't always choose to serve YHVH - our loving Heavenly Father.
This question leads to another even deeper question. Do we understand the concept that every decision, no matter the 'size', is a choice: to either serve the Kingdom of Heaven or the dying kingdom of Hell?
This question leads to another even deeper question. Do we understand the concept that every decision, no matter the 'size', is a choice: to either serve the Kingdom of Heaven or the dying kingdom of Hell?
In the Greek mindset, that most of us are accustomed to in the western world, it is often overlooked, as long it does not hurt anyone we are 'OK.' But this attitude does hurt someone - our Creator and Father.
Our flesh battles our spirit every day, often every moment. Dying to ones’ self is the most difficult fight that a believer has in this western world. Everything around us screams to our flesh and we succumb to sights, sounds, smells and feelings that feed our desires. Ever been riding in a car and flipping through the stations to find a good 'Christian' station, then you happen to hear a song on one of the oldies stations and find yourself day dreaming about a time and place where you remember things, these 'things' draw you away from the presence of Elohim.
One of the most horrible things I face {most men do} is images. Images of things from my past, images from things of the present, one can not even go to the grocery store with out being subjected to 'images'. A battle of the mind, which tries to wander away from Elohim.
He gave us life to bring Him Honor and Glory.
Our flesh battles our spirit every day, often every moment. Dying to ones’ self is the most difficult fight that a believer has in this western world. Everything around us screams to our flesh and we succumb to sights, sounds, smells and feelings that feed our desires. Ever been riding in a car and flipping through the stations to find a good 'Christian' station, then you happen to hear a song on one of the oldies stations and find yourself day dreaming about a time and place where you remember things, these 'things' draw you away from the presence of Elohim.
One of the most horrible things I face {most men do} is images. Images of things from my past, images from things of the present, one can not even go to the grocery store with out being subjected to 'images'. A battle of the mind, which tries to wander away from Elohim.
{Philippians 3:18-21, Romans 12:1-3, Romans 8:30-39}
{1 John 2:23-29, 1 john 3-5, and 2 Peter 2}
What we choose to look at and think about is very simply - a form of worship. Ask yourself 'does what I do, worship YHVH or ourselves'? This distraction {or mental diversion} can come in the form of music, books and television, just to name a few. Music {was} is a serious one for me, because of my former 'self'. My past music choices didn't honor the Father, but it fed my flesh. When we as parents choose to feed our flesh, we open a door, giving Ha Satan the 'opportunity' to come in and disrupt our families. It's a Choice.
Serving the so called 'American Dream', the nice home with a 2 car garage and stocked wardrobes, this idea and these desires to have this 'life' takes our mothers out of the home. Who pays??????? It's a Choice.
Our children, just look at the society around us. 2 Timothy 3:1-7 speaks to this - in the last days the people will be lovers of self, disobedient to parents, puffed up, unforgiving, slanderers, and lovers of money. This is a direct result of how the decline in America is due to the mothers being taken out of the home and how our society has taken the Father out of their lives.
Our children, just look at the society around us. 2 Timothy 3:1-7 speaks to this - in the last days the people will be lovers of self, disobedient to parents, puffed up, unforgiving, slanderers, and lovers of money. This is a direct result of how the decline in America is due to the mothers being taken out of the home and how our society has taken the Father out of their lives.
What about you??? Whom do you serve??? Elohim or mammon. There are numerous Scriptures that attest to the world around us not glorifying to the Father {1 Timothy 2 &3, 2 Timothy 2 and Titus 2}. As Daddy’s we need to be the shepherd of our flocks and be very careful to not let the world in. It's a Choice.
How do we defeat this 'flesh' and worship {serve} the Father. It starts with Deuteronomy 6:4-9 and Mark 12:28-34. We need to understand the Shema. It is a call to hear, to focus our minds on the Father. Avad is tied to what we do, serving - being a form worship. This puts a new perspective on those wanting to be greatest in the Kingdom.
Ephesians 6 tells us to put on the Father’s armor, which is armor for warfare and not a pillow fight, we need to teach our children to do also. Our example is the more important to shaping our arrows for a true flight - to hit the target. It's a Choice.
In 1 Thessalonians 5:16 and 18 we are told to rejoice always and give thanks in all circumstances. Ouch!!!! That is a tough one, do we rejoice in our sorrows and be thankful. How many times do we complain and grumble like the children of Yisrael did in the wilderness. In America we are blessed and we grumble and complain. Shame on us. It's a Choice.
Have we grown up in the Spirit or are we just being hypocrites, putting on false facades of worship, are we just wanting to get through talking to people so we can dwell on our desires of the flesh and not HIS Desires. Are we just white washed tombs? It's a Choice.
In 1 Thessalonians 5:16 and 18 we are told to rejoice always and give thanks in all circumstances. Ouch!!!! That is a tough one, do we rejoice in our sorrows and be thankful. How many times do we complain and grumble like the children of Yisrael did in the wilderness. In America we are blessed and we grumble and complain. Shame on us. It's a Choice.
Have we grown up in the Spirit or are we just being hypocrites, putting on false facades of worship, are we just wanting to get through talking to people so we can dwell on our desires of the flesh and not HIS Desires. Are we just white washed tombs? It's a Choice.
{1 Timothy 6:6-11, Jude 1:16}
What must we do to move forward in our walk...
choose to be a Shepherd.
choose to be a Shepherd.
May Yah Bless you in His Fullnes and
Give you the strength to make the right choice.
James 4:6-12, 5:7-20, 1:16-21, 1 Peter 5:5-11, 1 john 1:7-10, 1 John 2-3:7, 1 John 3:22-24, 1 John 5:22-26, Galatians 6:1-10, 2 Corinthians 5:16- 19, Romans 13:8-14, John 15:1-17, Exodus 20:1-17, and Deuteronomy 8:15-14.
Discerning Spirits
We wrestle everyday with spiritual issues. As any person on this earth who wants to follow the Father, I pray that He will guide me on the path of righteousness. (I Timothy 4, Colossians 1:21-23, Philippians 4:6-8, I Corinthians 12:6-14) The sad reality is that HaSatan has used the things of this world to cloud even the believers' minds. We as men, husbands, and daddy's need to be extra aware what is being let into our doors. What seems to be a OK thing in our minds, may not be what Our Heavenly Father wants us to be allowing in.....
Satan and his dominion have the ability to come into our houses and wreak havoc in our lives with just the slightest opening. Case in point - children's videos. The cartoons that show magic, witchcraft, demons, fantasy, and the list goes on and on. These videos can open doors into your home, and work against the peace in it. The child views such things and then often becomes desensitized to the truth, making 'make believe' better than real life. For years I lived in a paganistic realm that desensitized me to things that are good.
Recently I watched a christian comedy and realized how sad it is - that if put Jesus and the name of YHVH in a couple times it is then called Christian. These comedians were making people laugh by cutting people(brothers and sisters) up with their tongues. In James we are told how the tongue can be used to bless and curse.
In Hebrew the "Lashon Ha Ra" the evil tongue is a major instrument of destruction, and if this was what it means to be a Christian, then I don't want to be 'called' one. We have been given gifts through the Spirit of Elohim, and one of them is to know how to 'discern spirits'. This discernment is necessary today for all believers and it is so easy to be side tracked and taken down a wrong path,
Please.... for all those reading my blog, seek the Father in all matters - even the most minute ones.
He will guide us and protect us - even from our selves.
Satan and his dominion have the ability to come into our houses and wreak havoc in our lives with just the slightest opening. Case in point - children's videos. The cartoons that show magic, witchcraft, demons, fantasy, and the list goes on and on. These videos can open doors into your home, and work against the peace in it. The child views such things and then often becomes desensitized to the truth, making 'make believe' better than real life. For years I lived in a paganistic realm that desensitized me to things that are good.
Recently I watched a christian comedy and realized how sad it is - that if put Jesus and the name of YHVH in a couple times it is then called Christian. These comedians were making people laugh by cutting people(brothers and sisters) up with their tongues. In James we are told how the tongue can be used to bless and curse.
In Hebrew the "Lashon Ha Ra" the evil tongue is a major instrument of destruction, and if this was what it means to be a Christian, then I don't want to be 'called' one. We have been given gifts through the Spirit of Elohim, and one of them is to know how to 'discern spirits'. This discernment is necessary today for all believers and it is so easy to be side tracked and taken down a wrong path,
Please.... for all those reading my blog, seek the Father in all matters - even the most minute ones.
He will guide us and protect us - even from our selves.
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