

Should Mithras be observed?

Please watch this video and pray for your eyes to be opened to Truth of the Scriptures and not blinded by traditions of men.  When I was confronted of this, I repented of my past and misguided thoughts.  Some of the picture are graphic, but please be aware I am only sharing this with you to pass the truth on.


Another good reason to homeschool

Coming from a perspective of watching the dumbing down of our children.  Watch this video and think about what is going on!!

  No wonder the Occupy Wall Street people and the unrest in America is happening.  We turned our backs on the principles of The Heavenly Father to follow our own desires.  The creature is being worshiped and not the Creator!!!  How much more blatant dishonoring and disrespecting can we get.

This is what is happening America!!!!!

Who side are you on anyway....

Before you watch this please keep the message in mind.  Choose this day whom you serve!
Scripture is very clear about those who bless Israel and those who curse them.  As a Child of the Most High we have a duty to support our brothers and sisters.  Yeshua states He was sent to find the lost sheep of Israel. {Matthew 12:24}  So if we are grafted into the Olive Tree, with Yeshua being the root and Israel a branch, why do we not stand for our own brothers and sisters?

Genesis 17:2-9, 22:15-18 Joshua 24:14-15.
What an inspiring song!


A long wait...

I started this blog in an effort to share with everyone (brothers and sisters in Messiah) what has been in my heart and mind in dealing with preparedness.  Sometimes preparedness can become a way of life and consume our beings, to a point where we cannot do what our Heavenly Father teaches us to do.

The past months I have been dormant in the blog-o-sphere. I have spent time studying and praying and I have been waiting for the direction the Father wants my family and I to take.

I have come to an understanding that I want to share with you at this time.

Preparedness in a Believer's life is to be more than acquiring food stores, guns and ammo, BOB bags and physical materials. These are good and useful, but without Faith in the Father we will perish in the wilderness. The Children of Israel had to learn this before entering the promise land and so must we. We as Believer's in Yeshua need to heed the words that were laid at the feet of the disciples.

Yeshua spoke about the rich land owner who wanted to store more grain and started to build a bigger better storage and Our Father told him that his life would being taken that night. When we proceed to obtain more material goods and think 'now we need a bigger store house' or land for them, we are not waiting and listening for the Voice of the Father. 

I titled this post A long wait..... For a purpose to explain the journey I am on with YHVH.  In many ways we all have this journey, just not at the same time or the same portion of the path. When you are a parent and a spouse it becomes vitally important to have waiting periods for other members of your family, to be in the same portion of the path before you move forward as a unit. 

Over the past year I have prayed over and for my daughter to grow and mature in her walk and faith.  I am seeing that come to bear fruit.  Sometimes I sit back and think is this the same little girl I carried on my shoulders for ice cream and swimming.

Praise to YHVH for His Work in her heart! I also have had time to see my beautiful bride grow in her spirit and heart to yearn for the Father's hand in her life. As a musician gracefully moving their hands over the strings of an instrument, I have come to see the works that the Father has done in her. Praise to YHVH for giving me a loving help meet! As this was going on in their hearts and lives I waited for YHVH to teach me also.

Back to preparedness..... Waiting on the Father to prepare you can give you the best results of growth, in smaller chunks, that may seem slow and tedious, but more rewarding than being moved all at once. An example I praise the Father for is the ability to spend ample time in prayer in the morning. I use to take 5-10 minute for prayer, keeping short and sweet.  Do not get me wrong, those can be rewarding and for most are good, however I felt the hand of the Father move me into deeper prayer.

Deeper, quieter time to speak my heart. As my daughter went through a growing period from her multiple surgeries for a hip injury, I leaned more on YHVH, because I had to come to realization that I could not take on all her battles for her. It was tough to learn. I had to wait on the Father to work....and guess what?  HE did and even more than I can ever imagine.... Praises to the Father!!!!!

In your effort to prepare for what is coming, do not forget that waiting on The Father to move you can give you the most growth, physically and spiritually.

A long wait.... is good....



A Shofar Call to all Men

Recently,  I heard a question that sent a shiver down my back.  Where are the men in America?  The ones who are willing to step into the gaps and be the leaders of our homes, our families and our nation.  Whether America is doomed to fall or not is not the question.  All nations are going to bow before Our Creator and His Son Yeshua.  So yes America is going to fall but we are to be men of courage and pray for our nation.

Daniel and and other men of the Scriptures prayed for even their captures and the Father blessed them.  He used these men to show others that commitment to Our Father is the most powerful weapon Ha Satan faces.

Our Nation has lost its soul and needs men of courage, men of prayer to lead the way. No matter what the ruler of this realm says or does to stop us.  The question of where the men are in America is one we need to look in the pages of our recent history. 

The leaders of today are looking to the last 50 years in history to see their role models.

Demasculinized role models of child like behaviors and whining sports figures are the role models of today's youth.  Not many young men of today look up to the role models that the Father has given them.  Grandpa and Dad .

Proverbs 22:6 tells us that we are to train up a child in the way he should go.  This is not a verse for the state run schools - it is for us as parents (especially men).  Men now a days are being told that we can not be in the roles that we were designed for.  Gone are the days when men actually trained to be biblical men.  Men of courage and men of honor.  When I say this I mean in the likeness of Yeshua..

He was not weak nor was he timid.  Read the scriptures. He turned over the money changers tables and challenged the Pharisees and the Sanhedrin of the day on their erroneous teachings.  He even taught his disciples accordingly in Luke 22:35-38.  Does this sound like a wimp?  The way the world paints Him.  Again where are the men?

The society of America is deprived of deeply rooted spiritual men of prayer.  The more a man is deeply rooted in prayer the more he is in the will of the Father. Our example of deep prayer is Yeshua Himself in the Garden.  He made His petition at the Father's feet and in much agony He prayed and sweat turned to blood.  I personally have not reached that point in my prayer life that I was in so intense focus that my own sweat turned to blood.

What would happen if we, as men, rose up to be in prayer like Elijah, Daniel or David. David did obeisance before the Father. This was a man after Yah's own heart.  What a statement that would make to our families? To our sons?

An example better than any Sports figure.  We, as men , should rise up to bow down to our Creator, Abba - Father.  Where are the men?

Are you a man that desires Yah's own heart?  Are you a man of prayer? Are you a man of action or a man of in-action?  Can you stand in the gaps and watch the night? Being ready to prayerfully do battle for our Father, our Families, and our Nation?  Then start each day with the Father in prayer and with your family?  If you need pray for yourself and want another pray warrior to help, let me know. 



Some Simple Knots....

When I look at preparedness I find some of my former fire training helpful. With knot & rope etiquette being practical and useful in many survival situations.  Ropes can be viewed as strictly physical but the use of them can be applied with some biblical understanding as well.

The physical side of ropes and knots is evident with the understanding of the use of the knot and type of rope. For example the Prusick Knot is used as a tightening knot when rock climbing.  It helps to maintain the main rope from slipping from the climber.  As the rope is tightening it acts as a braking mechanism in case of a fall or slip. It loosens as the rope is move upward because tension is less.

On the spiritual side a rope can represent your family.  The more members of the family you have the more strands your rope has.  My family has 3 members in it so our rope is quite tense at times.  If all members are not in a place spiritually right our rope frays and comes unraveled like kermantle rope when the outer covering is wore down.  If your covering or Yehsua is not in place your chances of the rope breaking can be greater.  The Scriptures are the rope to Yeshua and the Father.  If we are not bound by them then we have no hold or anchor and this can be a very problematic scenario. 

Yeshua in Matthew 16:19 told Peter {Kepha} that what he binds on the earth shall be bound in the heaven and what he loosens on the earth shall be loosened in the heavens. A picture of tying something or untying, this is a spiritual application of permission and prohibiting. The permitting of something in a physical sense can give permission in the spiritual sense and thus allowing the rope to fray. An example is in music, videos, books and I hate to say it but food. Food can be a door allowed 'open' to fray the ropes of the family. 

We are not to live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of Yah.
(Deuteronomy 8:3 and Luke 4:3). 

In a survival situation will we succumb to the desires of our flesh?
I pray our family will not.


Fundamentals of Technical Rescue - Knots & Rope.

An interesting idea for camp furniture.

Old cell phones are still useful for life



As believers in Yeshua/Jesus we are subject to many things. One of those things is persecution. Yeshua/Jesus stated that in Matthew 5:10-12 as persecuted believers are blessed because we are like the prophets we were before. Persecution comes in many forms.

One form of persecution that many on this same journey has is from your family and friends. This is one of the hardest struggles that we face. Another form of persecution comes when we make a stand against HaSatan, he will use the darkness of the world to break us and kill us. This statement is not to incite any type of physical reaction, but I would like to encourage any person following my blog is to dig deep in the scriptures to find the truth.

I desire spiritual preparedness. I want a depth to my walk that will be usable by Yah for His Kingdom. In Matthew 25, Yeshua tells his taught ones that we should not be troubled when we see wars,scarcities of food, deadly diseases and earthquakes. This is the beginning. They shall deliver you up to affliction and kill you for His Name's sake.

In 2 Timothy 3:12 Shaul/Paul states that all wishing to live as Yeshua lived will be persecuted.

Revelations 12:17 states that HaSatan will make war with the remnant of the seed. We need to resist him ...even to the point of death.

Are you ready for the persecution coming upon us as believer's in Yeshua/Jesus?
